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Safety First: Sharpsafe Containers for Specialised Hospitals


Safety First: Sharpsafe Containers for Specialised Hospitals

28 February 2024

Protect staff and patients in specialised hospitals with Sharpsafe containers. Discover the role of these containers in ensuring safety. Call 03 9458 5118.

Ensuring the safe disposal of medical sharps in specialised hospitals like children’s hospitals, cardiac hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and others can be done through Sharpsafe containers. From surgical instruments to needles and lancets, sharp medical objects must be disposed of properly with these containers to prevent the risk of injury and infection among staff and patients.

Primary Risk of Medical Sharps

Medical sharps, including needles, scalpels, and syringes, are essential tools in healthcare settings. They can, however, present serious risks if not handled properly. Accidental needlesticks and cuts can result in exposure to bloodborne pathogens, which leads to infections like HIV, hepatitis, and other serious diseases and ailments.

At specialised hospitals, opting for standard sharps containers in handling medical sharps may not be enough. Instead, medical sharps must be put in containers that are puncture-resistant and leakproof. They must also require larger capacity containers to save time and resources.

Invest in Sharpsafe Containers

Sharp waste containers like Sharpsafe containers, fortunately, can be utilised in handling medical sharps found in specialised hospitals.

Sharpsafe containers are effective in handling such waste as they are specifically designed to safely contain and secure them. They feature puncture-resistant walls, tamper-evident lids, and secure locking mechanisms to prevent spillage and unauthorised access. They also adhere to strict regulations and standards governing the disposal of medical waste as well as meet regulatory requirements for safety, labelling, and disposal practices. To date, these quality sharps containers are compliant with ISO23907 and are certified to AS23907.

Proper segregation of medical waste is necessary to ensure the safe handling and disposal of sharps. Sharpsafe containers are colour-coded and labelled to distinguish them from other types of medical waste, allowing for easy identification and segregation in specialised hospitals.

When you opt for Sharpsafe containers, your specialised hospital can help minimise environmental impact as they can facilitate safe and responsible disposal of used sharps, reducing the risk of pollution and contamination within your vicinity.

Keep Specialised Hospitals Safe

If you will be incorporating Sharpsafe containers in your specialised hospital, you must make sure that your healthcare personnel can utilise these containers correctly. They must also know the protocols for reporting and addressing incidents involving sharps injuries.

Additionally, Sharpsafe containers must be strategically placed throughout your healthcare facility to ensure accessibility and convenience for your staff and patients. Placing them in high-traffic areas and near point-of-use locations encourages proper disposal practices and reduces the risk of sharps injuries. Regular monitoring and evaluation processes must also be done to assess the effectiveness of your sharp waste management practices. They must include conducting audits, reviewing incident reports, and soliciting feedback from staff to identify areas for improvement.

Sharpsafe containers play a critical role in ensuring safety and compliance in your specialised hospital. By providing a safe and secure means of collecting and disposing of medical sharps, they help protect your healthcare workers, patients, and the environment from the risks associated with improper sharps disposal. By partnering with Sharpsafe and implementing robust waste management protocols, your specialised hospitals can generate a safer and healthier environment for all stakeholders.