International Standards

ISO 23907-2:2019
The international standard for single use sharps containers. It specifies the requirements for containers intended to hold hazardous sharps medical waste including puncture resistance, drop rupture resistance, fluid tightness and correct labelling.

AS 23907:2023
Australian Standard for sharps injury protection supersedes AS 4031-1992. This standard specifies both design functionality and performance testing, including minimising harmful impacts to the environment and higher penetration resistance.

AS/NZS 3816:1998
Sets out requirements for the identification, segregation, handling, storage, transport, treatment and ultimate safe disposal of clinical and related wastes which may be hazardous, in an environmentally responsible manner.

ADR Regulations
Specifies the conditions that must be met by containers used when transporting infectious or associated clinical waste by land.
Models of approved containers receive a UN number.
All of our containers comply with these technical requirements.

Covering forestry management, FSC rules are the most comprehensive and FSC social and environmental requirements are the highest.